TPM3 was held in Espinho in Portugal on 5th and 6th December, 2022.
1st day: Project coordinator had a brief presentation of the project “ECVET based 3D printing curriculum and training module in Automotive Technology Education“. Each partner had a short presentation about the relationship of their institution to the project 3D4auto. Partner from Italy had a presentation of the Handbook developed in R1. Greek partners participated online during TPM3. They had a presentation of the videos developed in R2. All partners presented results of the advisory board meetings. All partners presented completed dissemination activities in the past 6 months. Austria partner had a presentation of the HUB to be developed in R3. In the afternoon all partners visited the school and its classrooms and technical laboratories.
2nd day: Coordinator of the project presented her requirements for partners due to the preparation of the interim report of the project. In conclusion the partners agreed on the date of the next transnational project meeting TPM4 in Potenza, Italy.